23: Break in at the park?
Thu, 14 Sep 1995 12:32:41 -0600 (GMT-0600)

Last few Messages:
Message 20: Arnaldo Tupiza death
Message 21: Thursday Morning
Message 22: Letter from El Comite de Paro
Message 23: Break in at the park?

The following is from a handwritten note from Chantal.
Any typos are mine.


Michael Bliemsrieder, Chief of the Technical Group of Galapagos National Park Service, continues to work from an office in the Charles Darwin Research Station.

He went at aout 10:00 today to request strike leader, (and head of Municipality) Jose Andrade, to accompany him to look at the GNPS stockrooms. There was a report (from a reliable source) that the locks on the stockrooms were broken.

Jose Andrade responded that "No", the people of the strike would not allow any stockrooms to be checked until after the strike.

They added that "it was not their fault if anything was missing" because "they had seen Park Guards coming in (not true) and that maybe they had stolen something".

Michael said that the Marines were playing "indoorfutbol" with the strikers, this morning on the Park's court.

Michael also complained "I'm not trained to deal with people just lying like this. If people invent things, it's difficult to deal with".

Yep, like the "Israeli Tourist" that the Strikers claimed had placed the Molotov cocktails on our road, last Thursday.


[Note: During an interview with the Ecuadorian press corps, the Station Director had recommended that the strikers remove the Molotov cocktails from the barriers on the road and elsewhere. The strike leaders agreed to do so, but claimed that they themselves had nothing to do with Molotov cocktails. Strikers then told the press corps that they had seen an Israeli tourist inside the Station grounds after the beginning of the strike, and that "surely that Israeli tourist must have placed the Molotov cocktails, since the strike was a peaceful strike and none among the strike committee knew how to make Molotov cocktails, but Israelis all know about these things".]